What has to be done, when the PowerPoint slides have changed?

If the slides have changed in PowerPoint, you may have to re-do everything, that is described in Marking the slide transitions and Merging it all together. However, if you have only made small changes to the slides like fixing a typo, you can skip the most laborious steps of the process. The following flow chart might help you to figure out, which tasks have to be re-done.

digraph SlideEdits{ splines=false; start [shape=circle, style=filled, fillcolor=black]; new_slides [label="added or removed\nslides or animations?"; shape=diamond]; changed_layout [label="changed the\nlayout of a slide?"; shape=diamond]; markers [label="update the markers\nin the Slides scene", shape=rect]; create [label="run the\ncreate_presentation\ncommand"; shape=rect]; export [label="export the video\nin PowerPoint"; shape=rect]; setup [label="run the\nsetup command"; shape=rect]; visibility [label="update the\nspeaker visibility"; shape=rect] render [label="render the video"; shape=rect]; end [shape=doublecircle, style=filled, fillcolor=black]; start -> new_slides; new_slides -> markers [taillabel="yes"]; new_slides -> create [taillabel="no"]; markers -> create -> export -> setup -> changed_layout; changed_layout -> visibility [taillabel="yes"]; changed_layout -> render [taillabel="no"]; visibility -> render -> end; {rank=same; new_slides; markers} {rank=same; changed_layout; visibility} }